The Hive-integrated development environment
Besides the command-line interface, there are a few integrated development environment (IDE) tools available for Hive development. One of the best is Oracle SQL Developer, which leverages the powerful functionalities of Oracle IDE and is totally free to use. If we have to use Oracle along with Hive in a project, it is quite convenient to switch between them only from the same IDE.
Oracle SQL developer has supported Hive since version 4.0.3. Configuring it to work with Hive is quite straightforward. The following are a few steps to configure the IDE to connect to Hive:
- Download Hive JDBC drivers from the vendor website, such as Cloudera.
- Unzip the JDBC version 4 driver to a local directory.
- Start Oracle SQL Developer and navigate to Preferences | Database | Third Party JDBC Drivers.
- Add all of the JAR files contained in the unzipped directory to the Third-party JDBC Driver Path setting as follows:
SQL developer configuration
- Click on the OK button and...