In this article by Michael Spreitzenbarth and Johann Uhrmann, authors of the book Mastering Python Forensics, we will see that even though the forensic analysis of the standard computer hardware—such as hard disks—has developed into a stable discipline with a lot of reference work, the techniques used to analyze the non-standard hardware or transient evidence are debatable. Despite their increasing role in digital investigations, smartphones are yet to be considered non-standard due of their heterogeneity. In all investigations, it is necessary to follow the basic forensic principles. The two main principles are as follows:
The first principle is a challenge while the setting smartphones as most of them employ specific operating systems and hardware protection methods that prevent unrestricted access to the data on the system.
The preservation of the data from the hard disks is, in most cases, a simple and well-known procedure. An investigator removes the hard disk from the computer or notebook, connects it to his workstation with the help of a write blocker (for example, Tableau's TK35) and starts analyzing it with well-known and certified software solutions. When this is compared to the smartphone world, it becomes clear that here is no such procedure. Nearly, every smartphone has its own way to build its storage; however, the investigators need their own way to get the storage dump on each smartphone. While it is difficult to get the data from a smartphone, one can get much more data with reference to the diversity of the data. Smartphones store, besides the usual data (for example, pictures and documents), the data such as GPS coordinates or the position of a mobile cell that the smartphone was connected to before it was switched off.
Considering the resulting opportunities, it turns out that it is worth the extra expense for an investigator. In the following sections, we will show you how to start such analysis on an Android phone.
It is always a good point to start the analysis by circumventing the screen lock. As you may know, it is very easy to get around the pattern lock on an Android smartphone. In this brief article, we will describe the following two ways to get around it:
The pattern lock is entered by the users on joining the points on a 3×3 matrix in their chosen order. Since Android 2.3.3, this pattern involves a minimum of 4 points (on older Android versions, the minimum was 3 points) and each point can only be used once. The points of the matrix are registered in a numbered order starting from 0 in the upper left corner and ending with 8 in the bottom right corner. So the pattern of the lock screen in the following figure would be 0 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 8:
Android stores this pattern in a special file called gesture.key in the /data/system/ directory. As storing the pattern in plain text is not safe, Android only stores an unsalted SHA1-hashsum of this pattern (refer to the following code snippet). Accordingly, our pattern is stored as the following hashsum:
The code snippet is as follows:
private static byte[] patternToHash(List pattern) {
if (pattern == null) {
return null;
final int patternSize = pattern.size();
byte[] res = new byte[patternSize];
for (int i = 0; i < patternSize; i++) {
LockPatternView.Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
res[i] = (byte) (cell.getRow() * 3 + cell.getColumn());
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] hash = md.digest(res);
return hash;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsa) {
return res;
Due to the fact that the pattern has a finite and a very small number of possible combinations, the use of an unsalted hash isn't very safe. It is possible to generate a dictionary (rainbow table) with all possible hashes and compare the stored hash with this dictionary within a few seconds. To ensure some more safety, Android stores the gesture.key file in a restricted area of the filesystem, which cannot be accessed by a normal user. If you have to get around it, there are two ways available to choose from.
If you are dealing with a rooted smartphone and the USB debugging is enabled, cracking the pattern lock is quite easy. You just have to dump the /data/system/gesture.key file and compare the bytes of this file with your dictionary.
These steps can be automated with the help of the following Python script:
import hashlib, sqlite3
from binascii import hexlify
SQLITE_DB = "GestureRainbowTable.db"
def crack(backup_dir):
# dumping the system file containing the hash
print "Dumping gesture.key ..."
saltdb = subprocess.Popen(['adb', 'pull', '/data/system/gesture.key', backup_dir],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
gesturehash = open(backup_dir + "/gesture.key", "rb").readline()
lookuphash = hexlify(gesturehash).decode()
print "HASH: \033[0;32m" + lookuphash + "\033[m"
conn = sqlite3.connect(SQLITE_DB)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT pattern FROM RainbowTable WHERE hash = ?", (lookuphash,))
gesture = cur.fetchone()[0]
return gesture
if __name__ == '__main__':
# check if device is connected and adb is running as root
if subprocess.Popen(['adb', 'get-state'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(0)[0].split("\n")[0] == "unknown":
print "no device connected - exiting..."
# starting to create the output directory and the crack file used for hashcat
backup_dir = sys.argv[1]
gesture = crack(backup_dir)
print "Screenlock Gesture: \033[0;32m" + gesture + "\033[m""
If you are dealing with a stock or at least an unrooted smartphone, the whole process is a bit more complicated. First of all, you need special hardware such as a Riff-Box and an JIG adapter or some soldering skills. After you have gained a physical dump of the complete memory chip, the chase for the pattern lock can start. In our experiment, we used HTC Wildfire with a custom ROM and Android 2.3.3 flashed on it and the pattern lock that we just saw in this article. After looking at the dump, we noticed that every chunk has an exact size of 2048 bytes. Since we know that our gesture.key file has 20 bytes of data (SHA1-hashsum), we searched for this combination of bytes and noticed that there is one chunk starting with these 20 bytes, followed by 2012 bytes of zeroes and 16 random bytes (this seems to be some meta file system information). We did a similar search on several other smartphone dumps (mainly older Android versions on the same phone) and it turned out that this method is the easiest way to get the pattern lock without being root.
In other words, we do the following:
In this article, we demonstrated how to get around the screen lock on an Android smartphone if the user has chosen to use a pattern to protect the smartphone against unauthorized access. Circumventing this protection can help the investigators during the analysis of a smartphone in question, as they are now able to navigate through the apps and smartphone UI in order to search for interesting sources or to prove the findings.
This step is only the first part of an investigation, if you would like to get more details about further steps and investigations on the different systems, the book Mastering Python Forensics could be a great place to start.
Further resources on this subject: