Searching in Odoo
Odoo provides a standardized search box at the top right in all of the list and Kanban views. Depending on the menu item, some forms come with predefined filters already set for the list.
If you navigate to Sales and select Customer, you can see the search box in the upper-right corner with the Customers filter preassigned.

Some lists open with a predefined filter that will limit the primary dataset. In the preceding screenshot, you can see that the list view Customers has a customer filter applied, by default, when you open the form. Odoo stores customers, vendors, and employees in the same central database table. The Customer filter prevents the other types of data, such as vendors or employees from being displayed in the list.

In this instance, if you clear the Customers filter by clicking on the small close box in the tag, you will have a list with not just customers. Instead, Odoo will return partners, users, suppliers, and contacts as well. The Customers filter is applied...