Chapter 3. Sharing Content
Now that you have your blog loaded chock-full of juicy content, it's time to help your readers share it. Just one amazing post, the right reader, and the tools to re-tweet, post to Facebook, or share on StumbleUpon, can turn your blog into an overnight sensation.
In this chapter, we'll cover:
How to let Twitter users share your blog posts
How to let Facebook users share your blog posts
Tracking downloadable content
Using Google to host your blog's RSS feeds
Creating and sending e-mail newsletters
By Alex King (
Why it's awesome: Allows Twitter users to quickly share your blog post, and it tracks how often they do it
Why it was picked: Super simple to install; no Twitter account is needed

Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: TweetMeme
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Top Navigation | TweetMeme
Used in: Posts, pages

The TweetMeme button is the fastest way to allow...