Delving deeper into animation
Thanks to your animated green stats chart, you're ready to take on some slightly more complicated requests: clients insisting on Flash development. As someone who got into web development through Flash in the 90s, a request for Flash development is no problem. Complain all you want, you have to admit, Flash sure can animate.
However, Flash does require a plugin and despite being the most popular desktop browser plugin out there, it's not always a good way to display core content you want to ensure everyone can see, much less essential elements such as site navigation. Plus, while it's the most popular plugin for desktop/laptop browsers, Flash is a "no-go" in Safari Mobile for iPhone and other WebKit-based browsers for most SmartPhones.
With all the advances of CSS and JavaScript support in browsers these days (especially mobile browsers), my first question for Flash requests is always: "Sure. First, tell me exactly what you'd like done, and we'll see". Sure enough...