Putting your game on the Google Play Store
Now that your game is built, you will need to actually put it up on Google’s Play Store. To put games up on the Google Play Store, you are required to pay a one-time $25 dollar fee. This may or may not seem like a large amount of money, but it is much cheaper than the iOS App Store and is a one-time fee, so for those who are a bit more budget-conscious, you may wish to dive into Google first and make some profit before moving on to Apple’s store. We will first look at the Google Play Console before filling out all of the details needed in order to submit our game to the store. We will also discuss how to mark our game as a beta version to get feedback from others before making the final submission.
Setting up the Google Play Console
The first step is to gain access to the Google Play Console. This allows you to publish an Android app on Google Play as well as Google Play Game Services if want. Implement the following steps...