Back to basics
This time we will go back in time, going down what might be considered a more purist path; use the browser elements (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) and don't rely on any server-side rendering.
Clients today are powerful and very capable and offloading the composition of what the user sees onto the client frees up server resources. You can also rely on the infrastructure of the Web for caching with static HTML files not rendered by the server. In fact, you could actually put these resources on a content delivery network, making the files available as close as possible to the end user. This would result in better load times for the user.
You might have other reasons to perform server-side rendering and not just plain HTML. Leveraging existing infrastructure or third-party tools could be those reasons. It boils down to what's right for you. But this particular sample will focus on things that the client can do. Anyway, let's get started.
- Open Visual Studio and create...