Understanding GraphQL fundamentals in NestJS
In this chapter, we’ll embark on a journey to understand GraphQL, a revolutionary query language that has redefined the way we think about APIs. Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL offers a more flexible and efficient approach to handling data requests and responses. Let’s unravel the core concepts of GraphQL and explore how NestJS enhances these features, guiding you to build more flexible and efficient APIs.
What is GraphQL?
GraphQL, developed by Facebook in 2015, is a query language for APIs that enables clients to request only the data they need, providing a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional RESTful APIs. With GraphQL, clients can specify the exact shape and structure of the data they require from the server, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching issues, something that’s common in RESTful architectures. It allows developers to define a schema that describes the data available in the...