CSS backgrounds
CSS backgrounds are very useful in modern web browsers. When should you use a background and when should you use the img
tag? It's a simple question—every image that is an element of content should be inserted into the img
tag and every image that is an element of a layout should be moved to the CSS background.
In this chapter, we will try to always use the same image to illustrate how each property and value is working. This image will be a bordered circle that will definitely show the correct aspect ratio (if it is bad, it will look more like ellipsis), and with the border, you can check how the repeating of images will work. The width and height of the image are equal to 90 pixels.

Repeating of background
There are many options available when working with a background. The first is image repeat. The default value is to repeat an image in both the x and y axes. So when you set, for example:
Background-image: url(/* here url to your img*/)
Our SASS example: