As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
architectural review board (ARB) 238
artificial intelligence (AI)-driven large language models (LLMs) 277
Attacama DQ Analyzer tool
reference link 143
Azure Active Directory group 156
bad data
detailed definition 5, 6
versus perfect data 6, 7
bad data, causes 16
lack, of data culture 16
merger and acquisition scenarios 18
process speed, prioritizing over data governance 16, 17
bad data quality, impact 7
analytics impact 12, 13
compliance impacts 13-15
data differentiation impacts 15
efficiency impact 9-11
process impact 9-11
qualitative 9
quantification 8, 9
reporting impact 12, 13
best practices 257, 270, 271
data quality, including in organization-wide education program 264, 265
data quality, managing at source 258-260...