Overview of theme package files
You will notice a beyondskins
directory in parts/omelette
that contains two files:
The __init__.py
file tells Python to treat this directory as a module, and that ploneday
is another directory.
Plone packages typically do not make use of the top-level or mid-level namespaces, so let us look inside (the third-level module) beyondskins/ploneday/site2010
$ ls -H -1 parts/omelette/beyondskins/ploneday/site2010 README.txt __init__.py __init__.pyc __init__.pyo browser/ configure.zcml doc/ locales/ profiles/ profiles.zcml setuphandlers.py setuphandlers.pyc setuphandlers.pyo skins/ skins.zcml tests.py tests.pyc tests.pyo updateTranslations.sh version.txt
Here is an overview of (most of) these files and directories:
: This file tells Python the directory is a module; see http://docs.python.org/tutorial/modules.html for more information.__init.__pyc:
This file contains compiled byte code; see http://docs...