Building your minischema
The minischema is a structure that defines the relationships between your tables, or in the case of parent-child recursive relationships, within the same table. In the preceding recipe, Creating TBC database and connecting to the data source, we had an opportunity to continue with the process and build the minischema and data elements. We separated the steps to focus on each component individually, but the Connection Wizard would have been a seamless approach to building your data source connection, minischema, and data elements. In this recipe, we will create a minischema using the Minischema Wizard in Essbase Studio.
Getting ready
To get started, click on the Start menu and navigate to Programs | Oracle EPM System | Essbase | Essbase Studio. The login menu will pop up. Enter your server, username, password, and click the Login button.
How to do it…
On the right-hand side of your Essbase Studio screen, you are going to see two tabs. Click on the Minischemas tab, right...