Reviewing procurement accounting transactions
Oracle purchasing supports cash and accruals accounting. In this recipe, let's review the accounting transactions for accruing on receipt for direct delivery.
How to do it...
Let's list the steps required to review the accounting transactions:
1. Select the Purchasing responsibility.
2. Navigate to Receiving | Receiving Transactions Summary.
3. In the Find Receiving Transactions form, select the Supplier and Internal tab.
4. Enter Office Widgets Suppliers, Inc in the Supplier field.
5. Click on the Find button.
6. In the Receipts Headers Summary form, click on the Transactions button.
7. From the Tools menu, select View Accounting.
8. Review the Accounting Transactions.
How it works...
Accounting distributions stored in the purchase orders are used to determine the accounting transactions sent to the General Ledger. Once the Items are receipted, a receipt accrual is sent to the General Ledger. The accounting transactions are displayed in the following...