Project #4—building Business Class models
Project #4 develops a Business Class model of the information that is created, read, updated, and deleted in the critical processes identified in Project #2.
ProVision® enables you to understand data at rest and in motion. For data at rest, the most common object to use is the business class, with further detail being added using attributes.
ProVision® defines a business class as "a class that is used as a template to express a business concept".
If required, a specific business class can be subtyped using a Subtype model. ProVision® defines a subtype as "a class, package, or interface whose definition is a refinement of the more general class, package, or interface (its super type). For example, "preferred customer" is a refinement of the more general class "customer." Therefore, "customer" is the super type, and "preferred customer" is the subtype."
A package is a container, or as ProVision® defines it, "a general purpose mechanism for organizing...