REST is one of the main design paradigms for creating APIs. It stands for Representative State Transfer, and uses JSON as a transfer format, which is in line with how Nest stores objects, thus it is a natural fit for consuming and returning HTTP calls. A REST API is a combination of many techniques that are talked about in this book. They are put together in a certain way; a client makes an HTTP call to a server. That server will Route the call to the correct Controller based on the URL and HTTP verb, optionally passing it through one or more Middlewares prior to reaching the Controller. The Controller will then hand it off to a Service for processing, which could include communication with a Database through an ORM. If all goes well, the server will return an OK response to the client with an optional body if the client requested resources (GET request), or just a 200/201 HTTP OK if it was a POST/PUT/DELETE and there is no response body.