Viewing basic settings for Security roles
This recipe provides the steps required to view the out-of-the-box SCSM security roles available to you.
Getting ready
You need to have successfully installed the SCSM product, be a user in the SCSM Administrators role and have the SCSM console open.
You must be a member of the SCSM Administrators role to perform the tasks in this recipe. The default members of the SCSM Administrators role are, the user account used to install SCSM and the members of the Administrators group specified during the installation.
How to do it...
In this recipe, we will review the default End Users role in the SCSM console:
Navigate to Service Manager Console | Administration | Security | User Roles.
Select the End Users role in the middle pane and click on Properties under the Tasks options:
Review the default settings for each section of the security role to understand the scope of the security role.
How it works...
The general section of each role provides an overview of...