Designing an OLAP table report with SQL Report Builder
Ad-hoc reports using SQL Report Builder—the reports that we have designed so far—use Visual Studio based report development tools. This section will show how SQL Report Builder can be used to build ad-hoc reports to be viewed and published back to the reporting services. SQL Report Builder is not an AX-based solution but a generic reporting tool which can be used to generate reports. Designing reports using SQL Report Builder is so convenient and user-friendly that sometimes end users themselves can design reports. In the upcoming recipes, we will see how, with no coding or model changes, reports are developed with the help of inbuilt wizards.
This recipe will specifically show how the customer group cube report that was made using SSRS in the Creating customer summary OLAP report recipe can be designed and published using SQL Report Builder.
Getting Ready
This recipe requires that you have installed and have access to the Reporting Services...