Chapter 6. Statistical Hypothesis Testing in Two Clicks
When we have data sampling, we are always interested in its characteristics: which law of distribution this data suits the most, what is the mean and variance of the sample, and many other features. However, the verification of these characteristics gives only a probable answer, since we cannot say for sure when we are dealing with random data. There is an entire set of tests that verify this; however, with the help of Mathematica, this check is reduced to two strings of code and you get a quick answer to the question. In this chapter, you will learn the following:
- How to verify that the mean value or the sampling variance is commensurate with a certain quantity
- How to verify that the mean values or the variances of two or more samples are commensurable with each other
- How to test two samples for mutual independence or correlation
- How do I know whether a sample corresponds to a distribution law?