We began this chapter by considering how to tweak popular visualization types. Specifically, we fine-tuned a bullet graph, considered a very different approach to using pie charts in mapping, and ended by tweaking a Pareto chart. Next, we turned our attention to custom background images, where we considered how to build a grid using XML to generate an SVG file, to expedite generated data for use with background images. Then, we completed the chapter by building polygons on a background image and had a quick excursion into the world of Tableau Exchange. We discussed accelerators, extensions, and connectors but also Einstein Discovery, which is a separate product sold by Salesforce.
There are too many options to cover them all in this book but since you are an expert in replicating by now, I added more sheets with other visualizations to the solutions workbook for you to play with. You will find sheets with bar charts, stacked bar charts, diverging stacked bar charts, crosstabs...