Next, let's add a fullwidth section which will be for a message or a testimonial. We'll use our media-centered
mixin again, this time with a round. The section will have a full width background image with an overlay to darken or lighten it, the same as our image banner. In fact, they are very similar.
Here's our HTML. Place this after the featured products section:
<section class="testimonials" style="background-image: url('http://placehold.it/1280x300');"> <div class="testimonials-overlay"> <article class="testimonial"> <img src="http://placehold.it/75x75" alt="Image of Testimonial Author" class="testimonial-image" /> <h2 class="testimonial-title"> Amazing!!! </h2> <blockquote class="testimonial-body"> Amazing products! Amazing prices! </blockquote> <cite...