Chapter 6: Using the ROS MoveIt! and Navigation Stack
In the previous chapters, we have been discussing the design and simulation of a robotic arm and a mobile robot. We controlled each joint of the robotic arm in Gazebo
using the Robot Operating System (ROS) controller and moved the mobile robot inside Gazebo
using the teleop
In this chapter, we are going to address the motion-planning problem. Moving a robot by directly controlling its joints manually might be a difficult task, especially if we want to add position or velocity constraints to the robot's motion. Similarly, driving a mobile robot and avoiding obstacles requires the planning of a path. For this reason, we will solve these problems using the ROS MoveIt! and Navigation stack.
MoveIt! represents a set of packages and tools for doing mobile manipulation in ROS. The official web page ( contains documentation, a list of robots using MoveIt!, and various examples to demonstrate pick...