Edit the module's metadata.json file to add module dependencies. See the following example:
"dependencies": [
{ "name":" stankevich/python",
"version_requirement":">= 1.18.x"
The name key is the name of the requirement, namely, "pe" or "puppet". The version_requirement key is a semver (http://semver.org) value or range. See the following examples:
- 1.18.0
- 1.18.x
- >= 1.18.x
- >=1.18.x <2.x.x
These would all be valid values for version_requirement.
Check the metadata.json file for validity afterwards using the new PDK command, as follows:
$ pdk validate metadata
The great thing about adding module dependencies is the fact that, when you run the puppet module download command, Puppet will download all the module dependencies accordingly.