Prezi text editor
The text editor in Prezi has had a wonderful makeover in recent months. There are now some lovely new features within it that will make your life much easier, including the number one must have feature at the very top of every Prezi user's wish list for some time. Yes you guessed it, a spellchecker!
Now when you spell something incorrectly, Prezi will underline the word it doesn't recognise with a red line. This is just as you would see it in Microsoft Word or any other text editor.
To correct the word, simply right-click it and select the word you meant to type as shown in the following screenshot.
It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here.
Text drag-apart
So a colleague of yours has just emailed you the text they'd like to appear in the Prezi you're designing for them. That's great news as it'll help you understand the flow of the presentation. What's frustrating though is you'll have to copy (Cti+ C) and paste (Ctr+ V) every single line or paragraph...