This was another exciting chapter, wasn't it? We started off by creating a MySQL database and created a table with some data using the phpMyAdmin
interface. We saw how we can connect to this database using PHP and then we fetched data from the table to display it in the Events popup. We took this a step further and navigated the user from the events list to the details of the particular event that the user selected. Toward the end of the chapter, we created a new jQuery Mobile page that holds the contact form. We then created the JavaScript to do the client-side form validations and then saw how to post the form data to the MySQL database table using PHP.
In the next chapter, we will venture into the world of hybrid mobile applications using a framework called Cordova. We will create a simple but completely functional native mobile application using our jQuery Mobile code and some Cordova features. We will also discuss the important features of Cordova and how we can make use of them...