An overview of the steps for performing an audit as per ISO 19011 guidelines
There are six main steps for conducting an audit, as listed here:
- Initiating the audit:
- Establishing initial contact with the auditee
- Determining the feasibility of the audit
- Preparing the audit:
- Conducting a document review
- Planning the audit
- Task allocation to the audit team
- Framing of documented information
- Conducting audit activities:
- Designating duties to guides and observers
- Administering the opening meeting
- Communication between the auditors and auditees and among the audit team members during the audit
- Examining the availability and accessibility of audit information
- Documented information examination while conducting the audit
- Gathering and verifying information
- Framing audit findings
- Finalizing audit conclusions and conducting the closing meeting
- Preparing and distributing the audit report
- Completing the audit
- Conducting an audit follow-up
Steps 1 to 3 are explained in this chapter...