Calling future methods
As noted in the previous section, our future method is simply a static
method, meaning we can call the method in the same way we would call any static
method. For example, imagine our method was defined as follows:
public class FutureClass { @future public static void myFutureMethod() { //Method code } }
Then, to invoke this method we would simply execute the following line of code within our code to call the function:
We can call future methods from almost any Apex code we are executing with only a small number of exceptions. You cannot chain future methods together, so the following code would compile but would throw an exception when futureB()
was invoked:
@future public static void futureA() { //Code for futureA method } @future public static void futureB() { //Execute some other code futureA(); //this would compile, but fail at runtime, &...