Finding lost or disconnected files
Elements keeps all your original files, plus all your edited material, displayed in the Organizer – but only if you ask it to by checking the Include in the Elements Organizer box in the File | Save As window. That's the theory, but as we all know, in real life, things rarely go 100% to plan. Pictures can be corrupted, get lost, or just go missing. The following are a few strategies to initiate if you can't find images you thought were already part of Elements' Organizer:

Check the Organizer: If your image was originally imported into the Organizer, but has disappeared for whatever reason, you will still be able to see its thumbnail icon in the main Organizer window – even if it's just a question mark. Despite the fact that the original image might be missing, Elements remembers what the file's name was and immediately searches for it.
On any typical day, you might see a missing...