Now, it's time to take a look at the Video Demo file that you recorded:
- With the encoderVideo.cpvc file still open, use the Preview | Project icon on the Toolbar and take the necessary time to view the entire project.
As you click the Preview icon, note that most of the previewing options are grayed out. The only thing that you can actually do is preview the entire project. Remember that a Video Demo project is aimed at producing a .mp4 video file. Such content plays in one big chunk from the beginning to the end with no interactivity whatsoever. Technically, it is said that a video file offers a linear experience, versus the nonlinear interactive experience of a regular project. It is therefore not based on slides, so the previewing options involving slides (Preview From this Slide, Preview Next 5 slides, and so on) are, logically, unavailable.
- At the end of the preview, click the Edit button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to return to...