As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
activation function 153
AdaBoost 103, 104
Adaptive Synthetic Sampling (ADASYN) 47
working 47-49
aggregating 92
algorithm-based techniques
deeper neural networks 240
regularization techniques 239
Siamese networks 239
threshold adjustment 240
AllKNN method 74-76
oversampling techniques, in production 46
anomaly detection 27
artificial intelligence 4
AugMix function 192-194
average precision 18
backpropagation 155
bagging methods 101, 102
bagging techniques for imbalanced data 91-95
bagging methods 101, 102
OverBagging 97, 99
SMOTEBagging 99-101
UnderBagging 96, 97
balanced accuracy score 13
batch normalization 158
beta calibration 293
binary classification 264
boosting methods
performance comparison...