The interviews coming up reflect an extraordinary blend of perspectives on life, death, and immortality, from civic, scientific, and societal viewpoints. José Cordeiro and Keith Comito carry the torch for living as long as possible with transhumanist flair and a deep sense of public service, while Aubrey de Grey and Alex Zhavoronkov represent some of the most unconventional, provocative, brilliant minds in science—uncompromising in their approach to challenge entrenched orthodoxy. Eddie Hall, the world's strongest man since 2017, has had a fascinating personal journey to understand what gave him his "superhuman" gifts—which helped wrench him from a dark period of depression as a teenager to a fulfilled life, aided, in part, by his fascination with how epigenetics can optimize health and well-being.

Since this book started development, we've had our lives turned upside down by the emergence of COVID-19 and the stunning impact...