Network discovery
Let's proceed to the stage of looking around: detecting victims and scanning. Imagine this situation as the one over a shooting range: you grab your weapon (zANTI2, in our case), aim and shoot. You have to aim for your target, obviously—otherwise, you would not hit it. The same thing applies to our case—we need to trace and find the target before we shoot. And that's what the scan does.
Now, when you're familiar with the interface of the lovely app, it should not be a problem to perform a successful scan on a target. If you're still confused about how to trigger a proper scan, let's go trough the process once more.
To avoid any confusion, there are two scan types. Both are used for scanning, but one for a general network discovery (called network mapping) and the other one for a slightly more detailed scan performed on a single target. Let's talk about the first one first, the network discovery.
Network discovery is essential,...