Adding functionality using actions
Actions are a convenient way of adding custom functionality to QGIS. Actions are created for specific layers, for example, our populated places dataset, popp.shp
. Therefore, to create actions, we go to Layer Properties | Actions. There are different types of actions, such as the following:
Generic actions start external processes; for example, you run command-line applications such as ogr2ogr
ogr2ogr is a command-line tool that can be used to convert file formats and, at the same time, perform operations such as spatial or attribute selections and reprojecting.
Python actions execute Python scripts
Open actions open a file using your computer's configured default application, that is, your PDF viewing application for
files or your browser for websitesOperating system (Mac, Windows, and Unix) actions work like generic actions but are restricted to the respective operating system
Configuring your first Python action
Click on the Add default actions...