A short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
Sencha's Ext JS is one of the most comprehensive Rich Internet Application (RIA) frameworks on the market. An RIA framework can produce a web frontend that behaves like a desktop application. Ext JS supports many features such as proxy storage, charting, managing SVG, tabs, toolbars, a myriad of different form inputs, and many, many others. There are other popular RIA frameworks, such as the Java-based Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Python-based Dojo. Both frameworks can be integrated with Highcharts via third-party contributed software.
See http://www.highcharts.com/download under the section Third Party Implementation for the full list of software contributed by other developers.
The Highcharts extension was originally written by Daniel Kloosterman for Ext JS 2+ as an adapter, as it didn't support any charts. In Ext JS 3, it started adopting the YUI charting library as the charting solution. However, the charts lacked features and style...