Preparing data for analysis
We will consider an example of network traffic data generated from Wi-Fi routers. Throughout this chapter, we will analyze the data from this example. It is important to understand what the records in the underlying system look like and what they represent. We will cover the following topics while we prepare and load the data into the local Elasticsearch instance:
- Understanding the structure of data
- Loading the data using Logstash
Understanding the structure of data
The following diagram depicts the design of the system, to help you gain a better understanding of the problem and the structure of data collected:

Fig 4.1 Network traffic and bandwidth usage data for Wi-Fi traffic and storage in Elasticsearch
The data is collected by the system with the following objectives:
- In the left half of the figure, there are multiple squares representing one customer's premises, with the Wi-Fi routers deployed on that site, along with all devices connected to those Wi-Fi routers...