Class inheritance
In this section, we will learn about inheritance. Inheritance allows us to inherit methods and attributes of the parent class. By inheritance, a new child class automatically gets all of the methods and attributes of the existing parent class. The syntax is given as follows:
class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName): Â Â <statement-1> Â Â . Â Â . . Â Â <statement-N>
If you remember, in Chapter 10, File Handling and Exceptions, we had inherited the built-in class exception. Starting with the existing code, let's make the instructor
 class, which would inherit the method of the Leapx_org
class. Refer to the code in
class Leapx_org():   mul_num = 1.20   count= 0   def __init__(self,first,last,pay):    self.f_name = first    self.l_name = last    self.pay_amt = pay    self.full_name = first+" "+last    Leapx_org.count = Leapx_org.count+1   def make_email(self):    return self.f_name+ "."+self.l_name+""   def incrementpay(self...