Gatsby, built on React
React is a JavaScript library used to create user interfaces. It uses declarative syntax and also a modular component-based system. Since Gatsby is built on top of React, you will quickly discover many pieces of React as you learn more about Gatsby. Another part of the Gatsby ecosystem called JSX is also used by Gatsby. JSX allows Gatsby page elements to be written using the familiar HTML tag format and allows the use of attributes to pass parameters to them. Each JSX tag can be a single unit of a project. Since JSX tags are also JavaScript, they may be integrated with JavaScript programming logic.
Since React is one of many JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as Angular and Vue, the framework itself is quite large, with a healthy ecosystem, and much learning is required to develop proficiency. Luckily, there are many training courses specific to React should you want to more deeply learn how to use it. While learning React is outside of the scope of...