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This book is dedicated to
My wife Anumol, the joy of my heart, my best friend for years who even chose to give up her career for the company of this mortal. Anu, I wouldn't be in this place if not for your unconditional love and care.
My sweet little daughter Anna, the light of my world. I am sure you will read this one day and understand what I was doing all night scratching my head in front of the laptop instead of changing your nappies!
My parents, Alice and Kuruvilla, who brought me up in a village not many people have heard of. Nothing beats the pain and suffering they have undergone in the process
My sister, Juby Sara, the best sister in the world. It is a privilege watching you follow my footsteps outshining me all the way!
My friends from TKM and JNV Kottayam who dared me to dream and then helped me to achieve them. You guys are the best.
This book would not have been possible without your love and understanding.
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have nothing to give back, but my love and prayers.