1. Creating a multiline SQL, JSON, and HTML string
Let’s consider the following SQL multiline string:
UPDATE "public"."office"
SET ("address_first", "address_second", "phone") =
(SELECT "public"."employee"."first_name",
"public"."employee"."last_name", ?
FROM "public"."employee"
WHERE "public"."employee"."job_title" = ?
As is common knowledge, before JDK 8, we could wrap this SQL as a Java String
(string literal) in several ways.
Before JDK 8
Probably the most common approach relies on straightforward concatenation via the well-known “+
" operator. This way, we obtain a multiline string representation, as follows:
String sql =
"UPDATE \"public\".\"office\"\n"
+ "SET (\"address_first\", \"address_second\", \"...