Time for action — using the Bezier tool
To begin, we will use the Bezier tool to create a woman's face shape:
- Open a new document in Inkscape.
- Now select the Bezier tool from the toolbox bar:
- Using a series of straight paths, using single-clicks to create nodes, create a head shape, similar to the one shown in the following image:
- Make sure to close the path by double-clicking on the first node when complete.
- Select the head object and choose the Edit Paths by Nodes tool:
All nodes on the object appear in a gray color.
From the main menu, choose Edit | Select All or use the Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut to select all nodes.
- From the control bar, select the make selected nodes smooth icon:
All of the "angles" on your head shape will become smooth and have rounded corners:
- Double-click a node to adjust its position (if needed). The node turns into a red square when it is "active" for you to edit its location. Now click-and-drag it to a new location.
As shown in the following...