Time for action — creating spiros and swirls
Let's open our previous project of the woman's face and give her some hair. In doing so, we will use the Bezier tool and the spiral object in Inkscape (as shown previously), convert it to a path, and manipulate it to create curls as follows:
- Open the woman's face project we've been working on.
- Press the shortcut keys: Shift + Ctrl + L to open the Layers dialog.
- Create a new layer for the hair object(s). Press the + button in the Layers dialog. Name the layer Hair and click Add.
- Select the Bezier tool and create a general shape for her hair, as shown in the following image:
A few items to remember here are that you can add nodes, delete them, move and adjust them, so that you get a general hair shape that you like.
- Now let's work some more with the nodes on the hair. You can select specific nodes (use Shift + click to select multiple nodes at the same time) and click the make selected nodes smooth icon to smooth the...