A quotation is an agreement between a customer and a supplier regarding a specific product, price, and validity period. It is a legally binding document between a customer and a supplier. To create a sales order from a quotation, the quotation line item must have a status of Released. A quotation is marked with an item system status of Quotation until it is released, and once the quotation is converted to a sales order, the system status of the quotation is changed to Quotation Accepted.
Quotations can be determined from sales orders when the sales order is created, or you can create a sales order from a quotation later. The transaction structure of a quotation consists of header and item data, similar to the structure of any other transactions in SAP CRM.
The following are key quotation functions:
- Sales probability: The sales probability is the probability of a sales order being created from a quotation. The source of this information is the quotation item...