This book is written for Go developers who are interested in building native graphical applications for desktop computers and beyond. Some knowledge of building Go applications (command line based or web apps) is assumed, but not essential. The first section of this book looks at the history of the GUI, its importance to the evolution of modern personal computers, and how it can pose additional challenges to software developers.
Developers of GUI applications that are interested in trying Go may also find this book useful. Section 2, Toolkits Using Existing Widgets and Section 3, Modern Graphical Toolkits, explore the various frameworks available to the Go language and demonstrate how applications can be rapidly developed from basic principles.
Additionally, an experienced Go developer may find the final section useful. The chapters of section 4, Growing and Distributing Your Application covers how to design and build complex graphical interfaces that fit user expectations. It looks at the different approaches possible to support multiple operating system standards and how to integrate the GUI well with network resources and cloud services. The final chapters cover best practices in GUI applications with Go, and look at how to package and distribute your software through the various distribution channels available.