Including a plot in a web page
Gnuplot can produce graphs in several formats that can be included in web pages. The chief purpose of this recipe is to give complete examples of current best practices for assembling web pages with graphics. Following is a screenshot from the display area of a web browser:

The text and figure are the same as in the previous recipe, Adding a plot to a paper using LaTeX.
How to do it…
The following sections will help you in including a plot in a web page as shown in the previous figure:
The gnuplot script
We'll modify our previous gnuplot script a little to produce an SVG file rather than a PDF file:
set term svg font "Arial,12" set out 'r6fig.svg' unset key plot [0:.5] sin(1/x) lw 2
The HTML source
Following is a minimal HTML5 web page, showing the first method for including an SVG image:
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title>Gnuplot on the Web</title><...