Tools for working with Git
There are a number of easily confused terms (such as Git versus GitHub) and there are many tools for working with Git – from the command line to Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools. This section will review some of these options.
GitHub, et al.
There are many services that allow you to create shared "repositories" (the location of all the versions of your program). The most famous and popular are GitHub and Microsoft's Azure, as well as BitBucket and GitLab. Azure is a very powerful system for DevOps, while GitHub is a very straightforward way to host your program. We'll be using GitHub in this book. (Recently, Microsoft acquired GitHub for $7.5 billion in stock – and made a huge commitment to GitHub, open source and, of course, to Git.)
Key point: Git is the system we're covering in this book. GitHub is a central repository system for sharing code (we'll make this more specific later in the...