How the default project looks like
In this section, you are not supposed to understand everything. The aim of this section is to understand the responsibility of each class in a default SpriteKit
The entry point of our game is the AppDelegate
class, which is the same as that of all iOS applications. Let's take a look at its content:
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I've just pasted the top block of the file because it is the important one. As you can see, we imported the UIKit
framework that will provide the window and the view architecture needed to build an application. It also provides our project with the event-handling infrastructure that is needed to respond to user input and the app model needed to drive the main
run loop and interact with the system.
The next line contains an odd-looking instruction, which is @UIApplicationMain
. This tells Xcode which is the main
file of the project.
Then, you will see that the AppDelegate
class inherits from UIResponder
and UIApplicationDelegate
, which is what happens with all iOS applications. We declared a UIWindow
optional variable to avoid runtime errors in case of nil content.
Finally, you will see that the only method implemented is application(application:,
. This is the point where we can apply some instructions that we want the game to execute as soon as it's launched.
There is nothing more to remark on this class. So let's take a look at the class that will be called just after AppDelegate: GameViewController
To understand why this class is called, as soon as the main screen is launched, we need to keep in mind that the project is configured to show Main.storyboard
as the main interface. In the Project Explorer, select the File and look at the Utilities panel on the right-hand side of screen, and choose the Identity Inspector to have a look at its configuration, as shown in the following screenshot:
This means that the interface is linked to the GameViewController
class. It's time to open the class and discover what it contains:
As you can see at the top of the file, the view controller is a subclass of the UIViewController
class, which is commonly seen in many iOS applications. However, the difference is that here, we imported the SpriteKit
framework (apart from UIKit
), to provide game characteristics to the project.
This class overrides the viewDidLoad
method, where we create a scene by using a file called GameScene
. This file corresponds to GameScene.sks
. If it succeeds, we create a view (an instance of the SKView
class), setting the showsFPS
and showsNodeCount
attributes to True
This is the reason why we can see these labels at the bottom right of the game's screen; they show the amount of draw calls (node count), and frame rate respectively.
The frame rate value measures how smooth our game will be. In iOS, the maximum frame rate is 60 Hz.
The number of draw calls and the frame rate are values that you need to take care of, as they will let us know if our game will run smoothly.
We will have a look at the last view's configuration (ignoresSiblingOrder
), and the scaleMode
property later in the chapter, as we just want to have an overview the project. Once the view
is configured, we can load the scene
by calling the presentScene
Next, in the file, you will see four more methods. Take a look at the following two methods:
This code means that the user can rotate the device, and the screen will adapt itself automatically to the new orientation with one restriction, due to the AllButUpsideDown
property: the game's screen won't rotate when we hold the iPhone or iPod devices upside down.
Have a look at the following method:
This method should look familiar to you if you have developed an iOS application previously. It's raised by the system when the amount of available memory is low. It allows us to release some memory to avoid an application crash.
Finally, we have the following method that has to do with the way the game is shown:
This method keeps the status bar hidden, as our application is a game and we want to use the full screen to show it.
We have previously seen that this class creates a scene by calling the constructor method in the GameScene
class. Therefore, it's time to open the file:
As you can see, this class also imports the SpriteKit
framework, but the most important thing about this is the class that it is inheriting SKScene
. We will study it in detail further in this chapter, but for now, you need to understand that an instance of SKScene
or its subclass is the object that will represent a scene of content in a SpriteKit game.
The didMoveToView
method means that its code will be executed as soon as the scene is presented by a view
. This is the perfect place to initialize a scene and, as we can see, in the default project, we are creating a new label using a font called Chalkduster
and configuring some of its properties to set the size
, text
, and desired position
. Adding the label to the scene is as easy as executing the addChild
The next method in the class looks like this:
This method is called when the user touches somewhere on the screen. It is also one of the methods that we can override to handle touches. There are three more methods, namely touchesMoved
, touchesEnded
, and touchesCancelled
, which will be covered in detail in Chapter 2, What Makes a Game a Game? As soon as user touches on the screen and this whole process gets completed, it gets the location of the touch, creates an SKSpriteNode
instance using the Spaceship
texture, sets its size
to half of the texture's original size, and places it on the touch position. You will find the image that is used to create the spaceship in the Assets.xcassets
folder of the Project Navigator.
Then, it applies a rotation to the spaceship by creating an action
method, and calling the rotateByAngle
method, which accepts an angle
value as an input parameter, and running this action
on the spaceship. Finally, it adds the ship to the scene.
The SKSpriteNode
instance is one of the most used classes in SpriteKit game development as it provides a visual representation and a physical shape to the objects in view
The last method looks like this:
This is one of the most important methods when developing games with SpriteKit, as it is called just before each frame is rendered and it is the place where we can perform important operations and actions.
If you run the project again and touch anywhere on the screen, you will see something that is similar to what's shown in the following screenshot:
As expected, a spaceship has been created and it has begun to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. Another important thing to note at this point is the number of nodes, which has increased and corresponds to the draw of the scene, the text label, the spaceship, and the background.
Now that we had an overview of the initial project code, it's time to go deeper into some of the classes that we saw earlier. We have seen that the default project creates instances of SKScene
, SKLabelNode
, and SKSpriteNode
, which are subclasses of SKNode
, one of the most important classes of the SpriteKit framework. You will understand why if you keep reading.