Getting your free copy
Before we go through the trouble of downloading the software, make sure the computer you're working with has the proper specifications in order to do a full installation. For a list of the hardware requirements, take a look at the following link:
Once we've verified that our hardware is good, we can start our journey and become familiar with the Dynamics NAV development environment by getting a copy of the software.
Microsoft has the installation files available for download; however, you have to be signed up as a Microsoft partner, have MSDN access, or already be a Microsoft Dynamics customer with access to download from the Microsoft CustomerSource portal.
The download for the full software can also be found on the following links:
Don't worry, these links are legitimate. Luc (owner of and Erik (owner of are good people whom I've had the pleasure of interacting with.
There are other sites that you can download the software installation files from, which you can try at your own risk.
To be able to modify and create reports in Dynamics NAV, you will also need a copy of Visual Studio 2010 installed on your computer. Fortunately, all you need is the Express version, which is free. The link to download this directly from Microsoft is as follows: