Whether we like it or not, the world is moving toward different development schemes in ways that technically differ from one team to another or even from one developer to another. As a backend developer, I understand the hustle, from having a really dependable database to implementing an effective authentication system that can be relied on to keep things secure, without forgetting about the authorization part, where you simply manage the part of who has access to what.
Such a hustle is not even the beginning; in a mobile-first world, improving your users' mobile application functionalities is a critical task because you will always need to improve your application security, maintain a notification system that scales, and have a great user interface and experience, but even with all this, you will the analytics, revenue generation part which is still essential, because you simply want to listen to your users' needs and breaking point within your application in easy seamless way without too much pain.
Firebase provides all of that and much more in a set of interconnected products that simply lets your application have everything that Firebase has to offer. This book will go through each topic over the 13 chapters divided into problem/solution recipes. All the points covered here come from real-world scenarios that each and every new or old application might have faced or will face within its development workflow.