Let's take color transitions as an example. How does a color shift from red to blue? If you have a basic understanding of color representation in computer graphics, you can relate the transition to a Red Green Blue (RGB) representation, where the red, blue, and green components are represented by 8-bit values (ranging from 0 to 255).
This means that transitioning from red (255, 0, 0) to blue (0, 0, 255) can be seen as a double transition; that is, moving a red channel from 255 to 0 and the blue channel from 0 to 255, respectively. This is just one of the possible paths we can take, and this becomes evident if you imagine the RGB space as a cube where each point inside the cube is a color point (a different set of R, G, and B channel values); that is, between two points, there are infinite connecting paths.
This brings us back to the beginning of this chapter, where we defined animations as the process of moving from a starting...