What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Magic of SVG, D3.js, and AngularJS, introduces you to the world of vector graphics on the web and points out the advantages of D3.js.
Chapter 2, Getting Started with D3.js, explains how to draw vector graphics with D3.js and its data-driven approach.
Chapter 3, Manipulating Data, walks you through the important task of manipulating and preprocessing datasets in JavaScript and D3.js.
Chapter 4, Building a Chart Directive, lets you implement a first scatter chart directive in order to integrate the visualization into a simple AngularJS application with a focus on modularization and testability.
Chapter 5, Loading and Parsing Data, explains how to load files and parse real data using AngularJS and D3.js. It also explains how to aggregate information for the visualization.
Chapter 6, Drawing Curves and Shapes, helps you understand lines, curves, and shapes in SVG and D3.js in order to create different chart types, such as line charts, area charts, and bar charts.
Chapter 7, Controlling Transitions and Animations, shows how animations can be used to better visualize changes in the dataset and the visualization. You will learn about animations in D3.js and how to create plausible transitions to update chart directives.
Chapter 8, Bringing the Chart to Life with Interactions, explains how to add interactions to the chart directive, which is a big advantage of web-based visualizations. You will also see how to combine and encapsulate the interactions of the D3 chart and the AngularJS application.
Chapter 9, Building a Real-time Visualization to Monitor Server Logs, walks you through an exciting example where you will use all the acquired knowledge of the book to build a visualization dashboard to analyze server logs.