Instructions to Unlock the Free Practice Resources
To access the free online content that comes with the book, you’ll need to unlock it first. Unlocking takes less than 10 minutes, can be done from any device, and needs to be done only once. Follow these 5 easy steps to complete the process:
Open the link OR scan the following QR code:

Figure 10.1: QR code for page that lets you unlock this book's free online content
Either of those links will lead to the following page:

Figure 10.2: Unlock page for Core1 and 2 Online Practice Resources
If you already have a Packt account, select the option “Yes, I have an existing Packt account”.
If not, select the option “No, I don’t have a Packt account”.
If you don’t have a Packt account, you’ll be prompted to create a new Packt account on the next page. It’...